“And he said to them, ‘Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.’ For many were coming and going, and they had not leisure even to eat. And they went away in the boat to a desolate place by themselves.” Mark 6: 31 – 32
This invitation happened when the disciples had returned to Jesus after he sent them two by two to share the gospel. This was also after burying John the Baptist. There may have been some fear, and they may have felt traumatized by the recent events. They had also just seen miraculous healing, and had cast out demons through the authority granted them by Jesus.
Jesus invited the 12 to come away by themselves for rest. Have you experienced fear lately, or has your life been in upheaval? Do you hear Jesus inviting you to come away and rest? Perhaps the idea of a desolate place appeals to you right now. Maybe you have spent quite a lot of time alone, and the thought of being secluded with Jesus, while in community with other world-weary believers, speaks to your soul.
I have spent more time inside my house in the past 5 months than I have at any other time in my life. The idea of going away to nearly any place is appealing right now. The idea of going away with my Lord to rest is bliss.
The desolate place where the disciples arrived was filled with people. Do you think this was a surprise to Jesus? The disciples asked Jesus to send the people away to find food for themselves. In response, Jesus answered them, “You give them something to eat.” From their five loaves and two fishes, 5,000 people were fed.
The circumstances of today are not a surprise to God, but He will use it for His good, and like the disciples, all we need to do is show up with our measly five loaves and two fishes. He will do the multiplying. As with many things at this time, your ideal picture of rest in the Lord may not be available to you right now. You may have family or roommates in your space more than “normal.” Jesus is still inviting you to rest. Ask the Lord to show you opportunities to rest in Him. Maybe you set aside time while others in the house are asleep, or you go for a walk with Jesus around your neighborhood. You can ask him to meet you while you are busy with your hands, but your mind is free, perhaps while doing a hobby that you enjoy.