In order for an Application to be complete, it must include all of the following items. Please click on the highlighted links to download the individual forms. An overview of the Applicant process can be found here.

We do not move an Applicant to Aspirant status until the application process is completed . . . and all things Aspirant must be completed before postulant, etc.  All documents should be scanned or saved digitally before emailing.  Please mail all completed forms to

All the items under Applicant Phase from application through Oath of Conformity must be received before a meeting with the Bishop is scheduled.

Curriculum Vitae/Resume
Transcripts, Certifications, Alternative Study Descriptions
Ministry Experience
Baptism/Confirmation Info (Certificates if possible)
Spiritual Autobiography
Bishop’s Questionnaire
Spousal Letter (if married)
Background Check
Ministry Safe Training
Completion of Applicant Core Comps
Applicant Core Comp Assessment form
Sr. Pastor/Rector Recommendation Letter
Oath of Conformity
Bishop’s Meeting (in person with spouse)
Letter of Intention to Proceed
Bishop’s Approval to Proceed to Aspirant


The Aspirant phase is a time of discernment.  A community made up of members from the parish and Diocese meets with the Aspirant to discern their call to ministry. The Bishop then reviews this process for approval to proceed. An overview of the Aspirant process may be found here.  Please click on the highlighted links below to download the individual forms. All forms should be emailed to

• Ember Day Letters
• Read ACNA Canons and Constitution (completion signature page)
• Identify Spiritual Director
• Local Parish Discernment Process
• Conversation with the 3 College Deans (Separately)
Prep for Aspirancy Exam
• Completion of Aspirant Core Comps
Aspirant Core Comp Assessment form
• Take Aspirancy Exam
• Review Aspirancy Exam
 Proposal by Sr. Pastor & Applicant of Academic Prep for Theological Exam
• Conversation Senior Pastor on Current Understanding of Call
• Bishop’s Approval to Proceed to Postulant
• Annual Synod Attendance


Postulancy is a process of evaluation of calling.  Our assessments, orientations, and training are all geared toward making sure you are confident in your call and in your preparation before embarking on the call.  An experienced, certified psychological professional looks at your emotional makeup and history, in order to advise whether or not ordained ministry is recommended.  If the Postulant is married, we require a marital assessment. More information about Postulant formation may be found here.

• Ember Day Letters
• Approval by Bishop/Deans of Seminary/Educational Track Towards Call
• Present Finance Plan For Education
• Physical Exam
• Psychological Assessment (Avg. 3-4 Weeks for Results)
• Marriage Assessment
          Marriage License
          Decree of Divorce (if applicable)
          New Marriage License (if applicable)
          Petition for Consideration (if applicable)
• Prep for Postulancy Exam
• Completion of Postulancy Core Comps
• Evaluation of Postulancy Core Comps
• Take Postulancy Exam
• Evaluation of Postulancy Exam
• Parish Discernment Recommendation of Call
• Senior Pastor Recommendation of Call
• Canon For Spiritual Formation Recommendation of Call
• Deans Recommendation of Call
• Bishop’s Recommendation of Call
• Keeping Our Sacred Trust
• Maintaining Boundaries in a Digital Age
• Bishop’s Approval to Proceed to Candidate
• Annual Synod Attendance


A Candidate is a time of preparation and formation towards your specific call (whether a set aside lay leader, a deacon, or a priest), and continues in preparing for ordination to the transitional diaconate. Of course, there is much to learn after ordination as well. More information regarding Candidate formation may be found here.

PLEASE NOTE: In order to be considered for ordination to the deaconate at Synod on any given year, all requirements on the Ministry Formation Checklist must be completed and received by the Diocesan House 45 days prior to that Synod.

• Ember Day Letters
• Formation Plan Towards Call (Senior Pastor and Candidate)
• Formation Plan Approval by Bishop
• Seminary/Education Completed (Or Exception Made by Bishop)
• Prep for Candidacy Exam
• Completion of Candidacy Core Comps
• Evaluation of Candidacy Core Comps
• Take Candidacy Exam
• Evaluation of Candidacy Exam
• Discussion on Placement After Completion of Call (Bishop, Senior Pastor, Candidate)
• Bishops Approval to Ordinand
• Annual Attendance at Synod


An Ordinand has completed the process of discernment, and continues in preparing for ordination to the transitional diaconate. More information regarding Ordinand formation may be found here.

• Ember Day Letters
• Initial Diaconal Year Ministry Plan
• Planning of Ordination Liturgy
• Retreat w/Bishop and Deans
• Identify Lay and Clergy Presenters
• Ordination Vestments