Study as a Spiritual Discipline


But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18

When you hear the word “study” what do you think? “I have to study for a test,” is the first thing that pops into my head. Others will say “study” means to observe something, as in looking at an amoeba under a microscope, or to learn something new by reading a book or article.

No matter what type of study comes to mind, it is a deliberate action. We are studying on purpose. There is a difference though between just reading a book and studying: reading is broad, and study is deep. When we study we are focused, dedicated to finding out what we don’t know, and how we can apply it to our lives.

When I study the Bible and other scripture-based, topical books such as books on prayer, names of God, etc. I come away knowing more about how to live as a follower of Jesus. Through my study and understanding of His Word, I know God in a deeper, more personal way.

John Ortberg said, “Remember that the key to the Discipline of Study is not reading many books but experiencing what we do read.” Exploring the context and culture of the Bible, gives light to new understanding of the scriptures. The stories we all know are made richer by knowing what the various events meant to the participants.

When I read about when Jesus comes into Jerusalem on a donkey and the people covered the road with their cloaks, that seemed odd to me until I understood that putting cloaks down was a sign of submission. When I knew what that gesture meant I was able to understand better what the whole event was teaching us.

Dig deep and study the meaning of scripture so we can be transformed by knowing God and how he works in the lives of his people.

Linda Lundquist

Grace Anglican, Katy, Texas