It's Time for a Virtual Tea


Ladies, you are invited to join us for a virtual tea on Sunday, April 19th at 3 pm with a special guest speaker, Becky Wood.

Would you like to join us?

  • Accept that invitation, then I can invite you to our tea. Please understand that we are using two layers of privacy to protect our event.

  • Next please accept a second invitation to our private event to be held on Facebook live on Sunday, April 19th at 3 pm. If you accept the invitation, you can participate live or watch the event later at your convenience.

Recently I had an opportunity to ask our speaker, Becky Wood, a few questions, and she had some beautiful wisdom to share with us.

What is God teaching you in this season in your life? 

I’m learning that life does not necessarily get any easier with time.  Daily time in God’s Word and moment-by-moment dependency on the Holy Spirit are of course essential.  I have also found that healthy eating and consistent exercise help keep my mind, heart, and body battle-ready.

My pastor used to say, “Stay close to the spout where the glory pours out and you’ll slosh out on everybody else.”

The verse that most goes along with that, which I have passed on to others is Proverbs 4:23 “Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flows the springs of life.”

I have also found that community is extremely important, and a soulmate is invaluable.  Friends who are trustworthy, genuine, candid, and open with their own lives is a lifeline in the Christian walk. 

What is one thing you wish you had known when you were 30? 

I wish I had been quicker to give thanks in all things.  I wish I had been more careful to express appreciation for what my husband provided for me and less quick to point out how he disappointed me or did something wrong.  I wish I had written more thank you notes and made sure my children did the same. I wish I had not been so particular about things so I would have let my children help more.

How do you see your role as a grandmother?

I have eleven grandchildren with me, one with the Lord.  They range from 2 to 20 years old.  I love seeing how uniquely God has made each one, and I try to spend time with them individually.  As a grandparent, I feel my role is to partner with my children in the parenting of their children.  

Please join for tea, coffee, or a cold beverage and a serving of encouragement

On Sunday, April 19th, Becky will share with a message about contentment. Please join us in prayer for Becky, our leadership team, and all technological aspects of this event. May God be glorified in this offering.