Our Grief Turned to Joy

Truly, truly, I say to you, you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice. You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy.

John 16:20

Jesus was encouraging His disciples because He knew how they would feel when He was crucified and subsequently no longer with them. He reassured them that their sorrow will turn to joy (when he rose from the dead).

In our own humanity, we often wonder whether we should feel or show sadness or express grief or even despair!  After all, we believe that Jesus was raised from the dead and we have been saved.  Does showing grief therefore mean that we do not have enough faith? On the contrary, we are taught that Jesus does not exclude times of sorrow or sadness; and we do not have to be exuberant at all times.  The psalmists often expressed their tears and depression in the various chapters of the Psalms. They struggled with problems and cried out from the depths of their despair, as they begged God to deliver them.  Job also cried out to God in deep grief during his tribulations. Our Lord understands and offers us comfort that whatever our sorrows are – by His grace they will be turned into permanent fullness of joy everlasting as we look to Him in faith.


Our Father and our God, as we enter into this final week of prayers before the retreat, we give thanks to you for sustaining us until now and for keeping us alive and well. We put everything concerning the retreat into your hands Lord and ask you to take total control, because we know that anything placed in your hands does not fail. We ask that you direct the weekend and enable attendees grow closer to you and seek you as they never have before. We pray for safety as we journey to the event, during the event, and as we go back to our homes. We pray for total coverage over everyone. We ask that at the end of the retreat we will give you the glory. Your name be praised Father.

Thank you, Lord!! We love you, we worship you, we praise your Holy name – In Jesus name – Amen!

Solape Delano

Prayer Coordinator for JOY 2020