Joy Unseen


Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory.

1 Peter 1:8

In the Bible we read that Thomas needed to see and feel Jesus’s wounds before he would believe He had risen from the dead and that was just a few days after Jesus had walked among them.

More than two thousand years later, we are expected to not only believe but rejoice in Him and the knowledge that He came to die for our sins and to give us the free gift of salvation through His ultimate sacrifice.

We do this because we have faith in Christ through the Word of God. Our hope is alive and brings with it such joy that even in the middle of our trials we should rejoice. We do not need to see or touch Him.

Remember that Jesus had answered Thomas by saying, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29) Thank you Lord!


Our Father and our God, thank you that we are believers in the unseen. We thank you that the mystery of your plan for us has been revealed to us in Christ by our salvation.

Only you can see the innermost thoughts of our hearts as we seek you and strive to do your will. Let the love we have in our savior, Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for our sins, give us untold joy as we look towards eventually being with you Lord, at the end of our days here on earth.

We humbly ask that you continue to bless us as we prepare our hearts and minds for our upcoming women’s retreat and time of prayer, worship and fellowship, with our sisters in Christ.

We pray that all logistics of the agenda and outstanding preparations be finalized smoothly, and that you should take control of the arrangements and let the event run as you divinely see fit according to your will, so that at the end of the retreat, we will give glory and honor to your name.  Amen

Solape Delano

Prayer Coordinator for JOY 2020