Joy in the Fellowship of Prayer

…always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.

Philippians 1:4-5

Paul believed in the power of prayer without ceasing. He did so constantly and willingly, as a joyful duty because of his compassion and concern for others, for the church and for all believers.

Mathew 18:19  (ESV) says …“Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven…”

When we come together to pray in one accord, lifting-up our burdens and supplications to God in Jesus name, there is a strength in that act of belief, faith and vulnerability.

First, because we are obeying God and secondly, because we know that He hears us and will answer our prayers. There is joy in sharing our hearts burdens with praying people as well as in the fellowship of prayer.


Our Heavenly Father, we thank you again for these teachings from Paul in your Word. We ask discernment for the prayer teams that you have commissioned to specifically pray for others during the retreat; that they will do so, as a joyful duty to their fellow believers.  We pray that all attendees will be able to bring their thanksgivings and supplications to you according to your will.

In Jesus name – Amen

Solape Delano

Prayer Coordinator for JOY 2020