Joy in Fellow Believers


That which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed, our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. And we are writing these things so that our joy may be complete.

1 John 1:3-4

Try and recall a time when you were attending a prayer vigil, Bible study, conference, retreat, revival, game night, dinner, or any other social event, meeting or group outing in your church.  Did you feel a sense of happiness, excitement and joyful anticipation at being with others? If so, perhaps it could be attributed in part, to the comfort of knowing that you will be amongst people who are like mind.

When we partake of God’s Word – His truth – together and we all confess and proclaim that our fellowship stems from God, our Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and savior; we find our complete joy as we share and fellowship in this truth.


Dear Father, we thank you for your Word, we ask that you give us inner, spiritual joy to share with our fellow believers when we are walking in spirit and truth together.

We thank you for Jesus Christ who is the Word of life and by whom we have eternal life and ask that we remain in fellowship with Him also.

We continue to pray for the upcoming women’s retreat, that we may be in step with the Holy Spirit each day. We ask that the participants come to the retreat with joyful anticipation in the succor of being amongst fellow believers during this time. We pray for your protection over all attendees and helpers and for our overall safety. We ask that you cover the event with your spiritual and divine anointing. In the name of Jesus – Amen

Solape Delano

Prayer Coordinator for JOY 2020