Preparing for Joy


“So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you…” John 16:22

For the next six weeks we will be sharing a short devotional and prayer as we move into our final season of preparation for this year’s retreat. Ask the Lord to prepare your heart for what He has for you this year. We want to thank Solape Delano for sharing these with us.

Joy in knowing Jesus

My joy is your joy…

What exactly is the feeling of having joy and love for Jesus in our hearts because we know Him? Do you experience it sometimes when you are praying or singing hymns and choruses? We often have an overwhelming sense of peace and gratitude when we think of what He has done for us and the willingness and total abandonment with which He sacrificed himself for our salvation – the joy He had in doing what his Father sent Him to do.

Jesus prayed that our joy might continue fulfilling itself until it becomes the same joy as His.

He said, “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full” —John 15:11

Have we allowed Jesus Christ to introduce His joy to us?


Dear Father, we ask that you bless us as we begin to prepare for the upcoming retreat and time of prayer, worship and fellowship, with our sisters in Christ.

We thank you for the joy that you gave to us through your Son and that this joy will be fulfilled to its utmost when we see you again one day.  

We pray that you begin to open our hearts and minds to receive your word.

We pray for the retreat organizing team. We pray for discernment, wisdom, guidance and for peace as they continue to put the program together and that your will be done. Amen

Solape Delano and her husband, Fisoye attend St. Timothy’s Anglican Church in Spring. This year Solape is serving on the Diocesan Women’s Ministry Design Team.