Fixing Our Eyes on His Joy

As we prepare for our retreat please join us in prayer.

In Hebrews 12:2 we are requested to fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
There is that word again – “joy” Jesus knew what He would endure – the pain, the shame and humiliation, the feeling of utter rejection and dejection as He hung on the cross bearing our sins, once and for all.
Yet, He saw beyond all that and entrusted Himself to God, His Father, because of the joy in glorifying His Father and in our own redemption. I often think of how full of joy I am when my earthly father acknowledges something I did at his request, which I had to go out of my way and comfort to do. Let us entrust ourselves to God, our Father knowing that in Him and in Jesus lies our true joy.


Dear Lord, we ask your forgiveness where we have been too caught up in our earthly concerns to acknowledge the true joy of entrusting our lives totally to you. Of knowing that with your power and protection we can experience this joy and share our testimonies with others during the upcoming women’s retreat and beyond.
We pray for the safety of all attendees to the retreat and that you, Lord will, through the Holy Spirit remove any earthly burdens that may be weighing us down and all other things we may be putting our trust in, except you, which are preventing us from seeing the truth in your word.
We pray for the prayer team currently being formed to soak the retreat weekend and each and every attendee in prayer, that the prayer team will pray in one accord for your presence to be with us during the retreat and enable us all to give our testimony of the amazing and mighty things you, our Father in heaven will do.
In Jesus name we pray – Amen

Thank you Solape Delano for preparing these devotions and prayers.